IT Asset Management & Compliance @ SolarNet

Traditional asset management was built for ITIL, not for security. Scans and agents don’t account for everything, leaving gaps in visibility. And data is often misaligned between a dozen programs, resulting in frustrating guesswork.

Traditional vulnerability management processes are flawed, there’s too much manual work and it’s built off flawed visibility. You can’t see a vulnerability if you can’t see the asset.

SolarNet are valued partners of Rebasoft who have created an IT Asset Management and IT Compliance platform offering a range of functionality which reduces 'tool sprawl', consolidates security configurations, uses machine learning to match vulnerabilities to assets with 99.9% accuracy all without requiring the use of agents or network scanning activities.

Native integration to asset management means better coverage and better security. Tracking vulnerabilities on a per-device basis couldn't be simpler, meaning you filter out the noise and reduce workflows.

IT Asset Management & Compliance covers five key areas

Automated Discovery

Discover all the assets on your network without the use of agents, leave no stone unturned!

Secure Configuration

Check the security configuration of the assets for compliance to security frameworks such as Cyber Essentials

Defence in Depth

Deliver defence in depth across your assets, covering switches, firewalls and anything in between!

Security Framework Compliance

Continual checks can be performed across your assets, making sure you remain compliant to the security framework of choice

Extensive Reporting

Generate accurate reports for audits and compliance with granular control over all areas of IT asset and vulnerability management

Advantages of using our IT asset and vulnerability management platform?

    Additional Cost Saving

    Better value than point solutions and can even replace some.


    Simpler, easier, lower workload and more accurate.

    Behaviour Analysis

    Behaviours can be analysed using information associated to network traffic, NetFlow.


    There's no jumping between tools, everything is seamlessly integrated, so it’s simpler, easier and more effective.

    Native Discovery

    We don’t aggregate data, we provide it fresh, we are your single source of truth.

    No Scans

    Less gaps, better visibility, better security.

    Evergreen Vulnerability Management

    ‘Always-On’ means it’s more accurate, proactive, and you can reduce false positives because we track by asset.